The joint exhibition "Drawings on the Walls" is a two-day event curated by Denis Fabrika in the walls of Sevkabel. The featured artists are Maxim Ima, Bazelevs, alesha, Uliana Poloz, Dasyukevich Stanislav, Misha Vert and Burs Dobro.
Exhibition "Primeval Member of Modern Society"
My last exhibition, featuring work from the last year and a half. The concept was that the exhibition is housed in a bare apartment, which is the cave of modern man. The apartment is in the center of Moscow.
The main theme of the exhibition was the connection between rock art and contemporary street art, as well as issues of human interaction not through letters and words, but through symbols understood by people from different parts of the world.
So also my friend, like a shaman from an ancient tribe, arranged a ritual ritual by playing the kahon
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My joint exhibition with photographer Anastasia Podchipaeva.

The exhibition was on three floors. Each of them represented a stage of accepting a crisis situation.
The first floor is the real world in which the tragedy takes place, the murder of the messenger angel. The viewer found himself in a recreated ghetto: cardboard boxes that locals use as canvases, trying to transform their everyday lives, chalk outlining the murdered body on the floor, photographs from the scene; a homemade memorial from a barrel of candles.
The second floor is a world that mythologizes events. It's like scripture: canvases that are disguised as boxes, with fragments of the events of the first floor depicted on top of them.
Over time, interpretations of what happened become "fairy tales" and ideological additions, this helps society to reflect on the tragedy that has occurred.
The third stage was the commercialization of the myth, when the stress and experience of the murder was gone, only the man's desire to make money out of the story. It sold merch, in which all previously used works and images were transformed into pop-culture products.
Through a similar game of spoiled telephone, you see the three stages of crisis perception. How sincere art is born out of fake attempts to tell a story as interesting and expensive as possible.
In creating this exhibit, I thought about the celebrations that other peoples hold in honor of death. For them, the point is that man, having fulfilled his mission in this world, simply moves on.
Each skull was created by me as a separate and unique individual. As an image of the person to whom it belonged.
For me it is a way of proclaiming the immortality of everyone.
Because each person's contribution, even a seemingly insignificant one, becomes the experience of our entire civilization.
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My digital works for the meta-universe. You can't see them with your hands, but you can touch them with your eyes.
+7 (999) 025 22 58